A Love Story

Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of heading down to the glorious little town of HEBO, OR.  Haven't heard of it?  oh, well that is because it is a tiny speck BUT it is my old stomping grounds and where I grew up.  Nestled between Tillamook and Lincoln City (I am sure you've heard of those!) it is a tiny town in a chain of tiny towns that make up the Nestucca Valley, a lovely farming community.

I was there to shoot an engagement session for John and Kaylie.  Total laid-back lovebirds.  I grew up in this little Valley with John and his older brother Will who was in my class while John was a couple years younger.  These small communities are family, those you go to school with, church with, play with .... all family, so I was so excited when I found out John was FINALLY engaged to his long time girlfriend Kaylie (the SWEETEST). 

John and Kaylie first met in college (Oregon State, Go BEAVS!) at an Around the World party hosted by a mutual friend ... they didn't really talk then because John was too busy playing beer pong.  They attended the same parties for a year before Kaylie spotted John dancing with some friends at a bar and thought "He's fun, I want to date him".  

Now, both have graduated from Oregon State University, Kaylie is a speech pathologist at an elementary school and John graduated with a degree in animal science and is continuing on with the family farm.  They love spending their time on their farm with the animals, walking their border collies around the pastures and volunteering in the community (I know ... how perfect right!?!). I was cracking up though at their descriptions of each other and Kaylie fully admitting that her spirit animal is a sloth.  Haha ... We had so much at the top of Mt. Hebo and though it is fantastically BEAUTIFUL!!! it was 36 degrees and they were such troopers to give me everything I wanted from their session!  So here ... check these out!